Country | Date | Brief description of the project and role |
Somalia | April-May | Macro-economist and private sector development expert formulating Danida’s country programme. Engaged with core partners such as the government authorities, World Bank, EU, FAO, financial institutions and CSOs and drafted the concrete development engagements aimed at promoting inclusive private sector-led growth in Somalia. |
Moldova | February – March | Team leader for the assignment aimed at identifying, drafting and negotiating IFAD’s future country strategy for Moldova (2018-2023). This included engagements with government officials, private sector, civil society and external development partners. Key objectives included the promotion of climate adaptive rural economic growth and accelerated effort to retain entrepreneurial youth. |
Palestine | December 2017 – January 2018 | Team leader on a final design mission to conclude the resilient land and natural resource management project (RELAP, supported by IFAD), with Palestinian authorities and other stakeholders. Responsible for drafting project documentation, including QA of team members’ contributions and compliance with quality standards. |
Georgia | October-November 2017 | Team leader for the assignment aimed at identifying, drafting and negotiating IFAD’s future country strategy for Georgia (2018-2023). This included engagements with government officials, private sector, civil society and external development partners. Key objectives included the promotion of inclusive and adaptive rural economic growth, as well as improved governance of natural resources. |
Palestine | September – October 2017 | Team leader for a 10 persons team, detailing the design of an IFAD support reliance and adaptation programme for smallholders in vulnerable areas (incl. contestable lands) of the West Bank. Overall responsible for strategic direction, drafting and QA’ed team members input, to ensure coherent and impacting programme design. |
Turkey | August 2017 | Team leader finalising a EUR 100m Uplands Rural Development Programme, aimed at retaining talent in mountainous areas and increasing economic and climatic resilience. Participated in negotiations with key government and private sectors partners and main drafter of the design report, reflecting the agreements. |
Montenegro | July 2017 | Facilitator, speaker and moderator on a joint learning event for start-up of the IFAD supported Rural Clustering and Transformation Project in Montenegro. |
Turkey / Rome | May-June 2017 | The leader on a design mission for IFAD to detailed the design of a major investment in the productive capacities of smallholders in upland areas of the Western Black Sea area and in the Eastern Mediterranean area. Engaged closely with national and local authorities including the ministries of agriculture, finance, development, as well as with smallholders, their representatives and other actors in relevant value chains. Overall responsible for drafting the project design report. |
Moldova | April 2017 | Team leader on a country strategy results review for IFAD, assessing the results of IFAD’s strategy for Moldova using extensive quantitative data analyses, comparing Moldova with regional and global performance indicators. The review also used qualitative methodologies (e.g. semi structured interviews, FGDs and documentation analysis) to complement the quantitative analysis. On that basis, the review made a number of recommendations to sharpen IFAD in-country profile, improve its impact and maintain its relevance. |
Palestine | March 2017 | Team leader on a design mission to assist the Palestinian authorities to improve land tenure and climate resilience in rural areas for smallholders. The mission conceptualised a project that would address the complex legal, technical, inclusiveness and climatic issues that face smallholders in marginal areas of rural Palestine. |
Turkey | February 2017 | Team leader on an identification mission to the Eastern Mediterranean and central Black Sea areas of Turkey to conceptualise a joint IFAD and government engagement aimed at accelerating inclusive and resilient rural economic growth in the context of depopulation, climate change and increased competition from large-scale rural producers. Led negotiations with both local and central government authorities. |
Philippines | November 2016 / March 2018 | Rural and education development expert, validating ADB’s project completion reports on behalf of the Independent Evaluation Department. The validation included an independent assessment of the following: (a) project’s or program’s relevance to the country’s and ADB’s strategies and priorities; (b) effectiveness in achieving targeted outcomes and outputs; (c) efficiency of resource use in achieving outcomes and outputs; (d) preliminary assessment of sustainability; (e) impact of the project/program; (f) performance of the borrower, executing agency and ADB. |
Montenegro | November/ December 2016 | Team leader on a mission to finalise details and negotiations with key government and private sector partners for an inclusive rural competitiveness project supported by IFAD (see below). |
Sudan | October 2016 | Team leader on a results review of IFAD’s country strategy for Sudan, critically assessing the relevance and effectiveness of the rural and agricultural engagements in a conflictual context of fragility, policy uncertainty and food insecurity. Adjusted the underpinning theory of change to allow IFAD to better navigate the complex institutional and socio-economic conditions. |
Montenegro | August / September 2016 | Team leader on a detailed design mission to specify the joint development engagement of IFAD and Montenegro. Key focus was on promoting inclusive rural competitiveness while simultaneously assisting smallholders adapting to accelerating climate change. Lead a 15 member team and spearheaded negotiations with government, private sector partners and other external development actors. |
Moldova | June/July 2016 | Team leader on a finalisation mission to negotiate and conclude the USD 18 million invest in increasing the resilience of Moldova’s rural economy through better access to financial services, more competitive and inclusive value chains and the promotion of climate resilient agriculture. |
Moldova / Rome | April/May 2016 | Team leader on a design mission to detail a major investment in Moldova’s rural economy with the dual objectives of improving climatic resilience of especially agriculture while also improving competitiveness of especially smallholders. |
Bangladesh | March 2016 | Team leader on a dissemination and joint learning mission, facilitating a conversation between EU, Sweden, Denmark and the Government of Bangladesh on the key learning points from the joint evaluation. Focus was on entry points to improve public sector administration and wider governance challenges. Also engaged with representatives from the private sector, civil society and other development partners. |
Montenegro | February- March 2016 | Team leader for identifying a new agricultural support programme in Montenegro, as well as for drafting UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) partnership strategy. |
Georgia | January 2016 | Drafted the concept note for a Danida – IFAD partnership aimed at retaining rural talent to accelerate inclusive growth and employment. Focus was on promoting young entrepreneurs in agriculture and agribusiness. |
Moldova | September / November 2015 | Team leader for developing IFAD’s country partnership strategy for its engagements with Moldova. Responsible for drafting the strategy, including its results framework. Conducted extensive partner consultations with government, private sector and civil society. |
Bangladesh | April-May 2015 | Led a 10 member team during three weeks of field work for a joint Sida, EU and Danida country evaluation of their development engagement with Bangladesh (see below for more details). |
Kosovo | February – March 2015 | Team leader on a joint World Bank – Danida review and support mission to the Rural Development Programme of Kosovo. Drafted the review note as well as ToR for a quasi-experimental impact evaluation of the agricultural grant scheme using discontinuity regression design, complemented by a theory of change. |
Bangladesh | November 2014 September ‘15 | Team leader on a joint Sida, EU and Danida country evaluation of the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of joint efforts as well as the consolidated impact for the country development in relation to the Bangladeshi policy priorities. Overall responsible for the quality and management of the evaluation, including leading a 10 persons team and liaison with different stakeholders, EU, Sida and Danida included. Particular evaluative emphasis was on the primary education development programme (PEDP, also supported by ADB). |
Georgia | November – December 2014 | Team leader for developing IFAD’s country strategy for its engagements with Georgia. Extensive stakeholder consultations, collaborative development of a results framework and main drafter of the strategy. |
Azerbaijan | September-October – 2014 | Team leader on a mid-term review of IFAD’s country strategy for Azerbaijan. Overall responsible for the macro-economic, governance and sector analyses and for updating of the strategy after extensive consultations with development partners in Azerbaijan. |
Italy / Global | April – September 2014 | Responsible for managing the conception and eventual formulation of two large grant projects for IFAD within the space of rural employment generation and improving gender M&E in rural development engagements. |
Georgia | March – April 2014 | Financial and institutional specialist on a mid-term review of the Rural Economic Development programme in southern Georgia. Reviewed the secured lending facility established and proposed concrete adjustments and partnering options aimed at increasing sustainability and alignment to permanent financial service providers. |
Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo | February – April 2014 | Team leader in finalising the formulation and agreements for Danish support to inclusive growth through improved access to financial services. Lead negotiations with the key partner, the European Fund for South-East Europe. Responsible for managing teams and drafting the programme documents. |
Italy / Global | December 2013- February 2014 | Responsible for drafting IFAD’s grant strategy for the division covering Eastern Europe, Central Asia, North Africa and Middle East. Designed the strategy and related grants to both complement IFAD’s investments in the region and to promote innovation in rural inclusive growth. |
Kosovo | October/ November 2013 | Institutional economics expert on a joint World Bank and Danida review of the Agricultural and Rural Development Programme. Specifically tasked with promoting Danish priorities regarding equity and accountability, including efforts to improve evaluablility of the assistance. |
Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo | September / October 2013 | Team leader in identifying options for supporting inclusive growth through improved access to financial services. Assignment included engagement with financial institutions, enterprises, their representatives and relevant government officials. Responsible for managing teams and drafting the identification report. |
Belgium | June 2013 | Team leader presenting the key findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation of EU’s trade related assistance. Engaged and led the discussion with EU officials, other development partners, beneficiary government representatives and non-state actors. |
Moldova | April – May 2013 | Team leader in the finalisation of a USD 40m programme to promote inclusive rural economic and climatic resilience, supported by IFAD, Danida and the government of Moldova. Overall responsible for report drafting, team management and quality assurance. |
Global / Sweden / Zimbabwe | February –March 2013 | Trade and private sector economist on an evaluation of SIDA’s support to the International Council of Swedish Industry. Responsible for assessing the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the Council’s engagements aimed at creating a conducive business environment in fragile states, with Zimbabwe being a field case study. |
Moldova | November 2012 – January 2013 | Team leader on a detailed design mission for IFAD, formulating a rural climate and economic resilience programme aimed at developing the adaptive capacity of especially the rural poor, though increased economic growth and adaptation to climate change. |
Kenya | October 2012 | Economist on a dissemination mission to present and finalise the proposed second phase of the multi-donor Joint Programme for Local Governance in Somalia. |
Ghana | July 2012 | Team leader of a country case evaluation study on EU’s aid for trade, assessing various trade-related engagements within cocoa exports, trade diversification and quality infrastructure. In addition the study also examined the relevance and impact of different aid modalities. |
Egypt | June 2012 | Team leader of a country case evaluation study on EU’s aid for trade, assessing various trade-related support within customs, trade negotiation capacity, export promotion, standards and the relevance of different aid modalities. Engaged with relevant trade stakeholders in government, private sector, customs and export promotion agencies. |
Somalia | April- June 2012 | Economist and local finance expert on a joint UN mission to formulate a multi-donor programme on local governance in Somalia. Responsible for designing and aligning a local development fund and associated accountability frameworks, as well as broader support to fiscal decentralisation. |
Uganda | February 2012 | Economist on a dissemination mission to discuss findings and solicit feedback from stakeholders on the review of the joint government, UNDP & UNCDF decentralisation programme. |
Uganda | December 2011- January 2012 | Economist and M&E expert on a review of the joint government, UNDP & UNCDF decentralisation programme aimed at promoting local economic development. Developed new methodologies for increasingly leveraging private resources for equitable district-based economic development and for improving impact monitoring. |
Armenia | September- November 2011 | Team leader and organisational expert on an UN-IFAD mission. Main objective was to develop a business plan for a company aimed at assisting smallholders integrate into global value chains. |
Worldwide / Brussels | March 2011-April 2013 | Team leader on a global evaluation of EU’s trade-related assistance to developing countries. Overall responsible for the evaluation outcomes, quality and integrity. Specific responsibilities included evaluation of aid modalities (incl. budget support), use of trade related technical assistance (TRTA), alignment and capacity development engagements. |
Worldwide / Washington DC | January – August 2011 | Co-team leader and M&E specialist on a World Bank / Fast Tract Initiative assignment to develop a monitoring and evaluation strategy for the Initiative. This included the identification of accessible and informative indicators that could demonstrate the achievements of the Initiative to the diverse group of constituencies. |
Armenia | January 2011 | Team leader on a Danida Formulation mission to finalise negotiations with key stakeholders, including government, private sector operators, UN and financial institutions, for a Danish horticultural support programme in partnership with UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development. Also responsible for drafting final programme documentation. |
Armenia | October 2010 | Team leader on a Danida identification mission to Armenia to develop an ‘Inclusive Rural Business Promotion Programme’ in collaboration with the Government of Armenia and other development partners. The mission identified long-term finance for horticultural value chains as having a significant potential to boost productivity, profitability while simultaneously reducing unemployment and poverty. |
Nepal, Ethiopia and worldwide | September – October 2010 | Team leader on an assignment to develop tools and benchmarks allowing Danish Red Cross to assess the alignment and harmonisation potential in its partnerships. This involved analysis of DRC’s financial management principles and minimum requirements (incl. level of transparency and fiduciary risks) and the degree to which its partner national societies were able to meet these. |
Moldova | July 2010 | Team leader on a Danida formulation mission during which the final programme documentation was drafted. The programmed focussed on promoting rural youth entrepreneurship with the objective of reducing rural poverty through increased access to financial services and other incentives to retain talent in rural areas. Also responsible for drafting the co-financing agreement with Danida’s partner, IFAD. |
Armenia | June 2010 | Team leader on a scoping mission for Danida, identifying options for supporting rural economic development. |
Moldova | May 2010 | Team leader on a scoping mission aimed at identifying entry points for future Danish development assistance to promote rural private sector led employment generation. The mission engaged in extensive consultations with key actors and potential partners incl. central and local government authorities, the private sector, civil society and external development partners. |
Ethiopia | April-November 2010 | Institutional economist and social sectors specialist on an EU country level evaluation of support to Ethiopia. Responsible for evaluating budget support and the successor programme to protect basic services (PBS), as well as an assessment of EU’s assistance within decentralisation, capacity development and local governance. The evaluation also detailed the political risks and politically induced unpredictability in budget support. |
Lesotho | February 2010 | Team leader and decentralisation expert responsible for finalising an EU supported decentralisation reform programme aimed at improving local authorities’ capacity to improve service delivery and enhance their accountability. The programme linked up to ongoing efforts of the government of Lesotho to devolve authority to elected bodies at local level. |
Global / South Africa | January – December 2010 | Development economist on a thematic evaluation of EU’s support to the education sector in partner countries. This included particular emphasis on aid modalities such as sector (budget) support, general budget support and accountability issues in service provision, with particular emphasis on mitigation strategies in context of fragile governance systems. Country team leader on a case study mission to South Africa in April 2010. |
Lesotho | November-December 2009 | Team leader and decentralisation expert responsible for assessing previous EU support activities for local governance, decentralisation and support to non-state actors as well as drafting a decentralisation support programme for the 10th EDF. Worked closely with key government partners at all levels to ensure proper alignment and also established more harmonised mechanisms with other external development partners in the sector. |
Worldwide | July-October 2009 | Team leader on a UNDP/UNCDF funded study to develop indicators for use by governments and other development partners in promoting local economic development. |
Yemen | May 2009 | Consultant team leader on the main evaluation mission to the IFAD supported Raymah Area Development Programme. Overall responsible for reporting as well as specific responsibilities for institutional, capacity development and policy aspects. The evaluation was conducted in close partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation and the Ministry of Planning & International Development. |
Arab world & Iran | January March 2009 | Project director, back-stopper, quality assurance and drafter of the core report sections for the Review of International Media Supports Programme in the Arab World and Iran. |
Yemen | February 2009 | Consultant team leader on an evaluation scoping mission to Yemen, preparing for the launch a full-scale evaluation of the Raymah Area Development Programme. |
Lesotho | January 2009 | Monitoring and evaluation specialist in the formulation of the Lesotho Local Development Programme. The programme aimed to support local governments in delivering improved services within both the social and private sectors, while simultaneously accelerating the decentralisation process. The specific task was to design an M&E framework cable of tracing progress and outcomes within both areas, using a mix of process and more quantifiable indicators. |
Uganda | November / December 2008 | Team leader on a monitoring and evaluation mission focussing on a UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)/UNDP supported local governance programme entitled District Development Programme (III). The assignment aimed primarily at enhancing outcome and impact evaluability of the programme by i.a. improving the M&E system to be able to generate more relevant and higher level indicators. |
Tanzania | October 2008 | Team leader on a M&E mission aimed at strengthening the M&E system of a UNCDF supported programme entitled Supporting Local Economic Development in Mwanza. The assignment adjusted the existing M&E system to allow for improved accountability and enhancing learning opportunities, as well as strengthening programme managers information systems. |
Kenya/Nepal/ Liberia/ Togo | August/ September 2008 | Team leader and institutional expert on a thematic review of the NGO International Media Support (IMS) focussing on its strategies and capacities to assist media in societies characterised by conflict. The review had the ambition to improve IMS’ capacity to strengthen the media’s ability to actively impact on reducing violence and building peace. |
Albania | July 2008 | Facilitator at a joint learning event aimed at disseminating the lessons learnt from an IFAD financed evaluation of the Mountain Areas Development Programme. Delivered the key note presentation to the most important stakeholders which included representatives from the Government of Albania, senior programme staff and international development partners. |
Ukraine | May 2008 | Institutional development expert on a scoping mission aimed at identifying entry points for future Danish development assistance to promote rural private sector led employment generation. The mission engaged in extensive consultations with key actors and potential partners incl. central and local government authorities, the private sector, civil society and external development partners. |
Global / Denmark | April 2008 | Speaker at a conference on Rural Economic Development: Opportunities and Challenges in Future Growth Strategies organised by the Danish Development Research Network. Delivered a presentation on ‘What Role for Smallholders in Commercial Agriculture’. |
Armenia | February – April 2008 | Team leader on a formulation mission which finalised a rural employment programme supported by Denmark. Overall responsible for cross-component strategic coherence and programme document drafting. Specifically responsible for formulating a component aimed at promoting high-potential rural SMEs through better VET graduates, equity investments and capacity development support. |
Armenia | November December 2007 | Team leader on an identification mission aimed at detailing future Danish development assistance to Armenia within vocational education and rural business development. The mission focussed on entering tentative agreements with local government authorities, the private sector, civil society and external development partners. |
Armenia | September October 2007 | Team leader on a scoping mission aimed at identifying entry points for future Danish development assistance to Armenia. The mission focused on addressing the considerable and persistence rural poverty by engaging in dialogue with key change agents incl. central and local government authorities, the private sector, civil society and external development partners. |
Albania | June – July 2007 | Team leader on an IFAD-financed Evaluation of the Mountain Area Development Programme. The evaluation aimed to provide stakeholders with an assessment of impact and sustainability of past engagements. In addition, it also generated new insights into how to improve performance of ongoing and future operations, especially concerning accelerating poverty reduction impacts and improving outcomes of capacity development support. |
Kosovo | March – April 2007 | Team Leader and process consultant on a formulation mission aimed at formulating a fully fledged employment generation programme consisting of three components: Enhancing competitiveness of agribusinesses, improving agribusinesses’ access to financial services, and increasing relevance and quality of vocational agricultural schools. |
Kosovo | January – February 2007 | Team Leader on an identification mission aimed at detailing Danish support to business service development (incl. agribusiness value chains and financial services) and vocational education. |
Uganda / Denmark | October – November 2006 | Change management expert on a thematic review of CARE Denmark’s strategic challenges in refocusing engagements toward increased emphasis on advocacy and capacity development of local partners. Included field studies in Uganda. |
Kosovo | September-October 2006 | Team leader on a scoping mission to Kosovo aimed at identifying opportunities for Danish support to especially business service development and, vocational education and training. Mission included interviews with key stakeholders in Kosovo, including the interim government, UNMIK and external development agencies. |
Vietnam | May-June 2006 | Institutional expert and economist on an inception review of the Danish supported ‘Development Cooperation in Environment’ programme. The review aimed to improve alignment of Danish support modalities to Vietnamese strategies and procedures in order to accelerate implementation progress and enhance domestic ownership. |
Vietnam | April- May 2006 | Institutional expert and economist on an impact study of Danish support to the small livestock sector. The study including both quantitative methods (comparing beneficiaries with control group) and qualitative impact at institutional issues. |
Tanzania | March 2006 | Institutional specialist on a Danida supported agricultural sector review, responsible for reviewing the feasibility and modalities of improving alignment and harmonisation efforts related to the JAS process sector, in order reduce aid fragmentation. |
India | August 2005 – February 2006 | Team leader on an evaluation of the EC’s country strategy for India, one of the largest development assistance programmes of the EC. Responsibilities included: overall management of the evaluation, and specific focus on education sector programmes, as well as trade and economic cooperation. |
Global | June-August 2005 | Team leader assisting EuropeAid’s evaluation unit in updating and mainstreaming monitoring & evaluation methodologies for the education sector, in relation to new aid modalities of SWAP sector budget support and conditional general budget support. |
Vietnam | April – May 2005 | Institutional economist on a Danida review mission of Danish environmental support to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Responsible for assessing capacity development assistance aimed at improving data & information supply, analysis and policy use. |
Bangladesh | December 2004 – April 2005 | Institutional economist and principal drafter on a Danida evaluation study of smallholder livestock development in Bangladesh. The evaluation focused on generating feasible options for enhancing sustainability of the supported engagements within the smallholder livestock sector. Key recommendations focused on the re-alignment of incentives structures and improvements in accountability system. Also co-authored two articles on ‘Impact of Smallholder Poultry Production in Bangladesh –12 years Experience with Danida supported livestock projects in Bangladesh’ and ‘Bundling credit and training – are we helping the poor?’ |
Global / Belgium | January – March 2005 | Monitoring and Evaluation specialist for EuropeAid’s evaluation unit, assisting in improving monitoring mechanisms of EC support to sector wide programmes, while simultaneously improving alignment and harmonisation with domestic monitoring and evaluation procedures. |
Global / Belgium | October 2004 – April 2005 | Rural development economist for EuropeAid’s evaluation unit, developing evaluations tools and guidelines for improving accountability and performance of EU supported rural development engagements in view of new aid modalities. |
Pakistan | July – September 2004 | Team leader and development economist on a joint ILO – European Commission formulation mission. Drafted a programme document on support aimed at reducing child labour through capacity development, education and skills training. A key priority was closer integration and alignment to existing institutional frameworks in order to enhance sustainability and local ownership. |
Mongolia | April – May 2004 | Team leader on a study of the mining revenue management options available to the Mongolian government. The World Bank sponsored study aimed at identifying fiscal and institutional mechanisms for avoiding the Dutch disease and the corrosive effects of a mining boom on governance. Drawing on both international experiences and a detail country-specific governance and fiscal analysis, the study recommended concrete ways of enhancing the transparency of the mining industry and the revenues accrued, as well as institutional innovations in dealing with the associated fiscal and exchange rate challenges. |
Bangladesh | October 2003 | Team leader, presenting key findings and recommendations of the evaluation of the European Commission’s Country Strategy for Bangladesh. Seminars and meetings were held with government officials, NGOs, think tanks, other external development partners, member states and EC Delegation staff. Assisted the EC Delegation in operationalising key recommendations into concrete actions, enhancing the programme portfolio and improving aid delivery mechanisms. |
Egypt | July 2003 | Economist on a country evaluation of European Commission’s country strategy for Egypt. Major tasks included distributional assessment of the consequences of trade liberalisations in the context of progressive tariff and quota reductions between the EU and Egypt as part of the free trade agreement. Furthermore Mr Christensen was responsible for assessment of assistance aimed to improve the SME sector and to accelerate pro-poor growth, partly as a result of increased competitive pressures. Report available at: |
Kosovo | June 2003 | Team leader on an evaluation of Danish People’s Aid (a NGO) Kosovo portfolio covering the period 1999 to 2003. The evaluation of DPA’s portfolio concentrated on three key engagements: Reconstruction of houses, support to agricultural co-operatives and capacity development for municipal departments. The evaluation provided DPA with methodologies and tools for improving future performance and made recommendations for enhancing the impact of especially capacity development support. |
Global, Evaluation of Capacity Development Study | 2002-2003 | Economist on a study aimed at designing a methodology for evaluating the impact of Danish supported sector programmes on the public sector’s capacity to design and implement pro-poor polices. Key responsibilities included assessment of donor practices and engagement modalities, in particular SWAP and PRSP. Based on a thorough screening of capacity development interventions in 15 Danish supported sector programmes, the study also proposed guidelines for improving the design of capacity development engagements. The outcome of these studies formed the basis of the results-oriented approach to capacity development and change (ROACH). |
Bangladesh | 2002-2003 | Development economist on an evaluation of the European Commission’s country strategy for Bangladesh. Main responsibilities included evaluation of capacity development assistance aimed at improving key institutions and their ability to deliver core social services utilising sector wide approaches to planning. Coherence and consistency between trade and aid policies was another key task of Mr Christensen, as was assessment of support to rural infrastructure. Finally Mr Christensen was also responsible for an assessment of the consistency of EC’s engagements in relation to the PRSP. |
Tanzania | October 2002 | Rural development economist, presenting main findings of an evaluation of UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development’s (IFAD) country programme in Tanzania to a workshop with the participation of all key stakeholders, including government, private sector associations, external development partners and IFAD. Main objective was to distil lessons learnt and provide a framework for improved dialogue and for mainstreaming innovative approaches. Report available at: |
Namibia | August 2002 | Development economist on appraisal mission to Namibia, appraising a project proposal for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Main tasks included appraisal of macro-economic issues, energy consumption analysis, LFA assessment and revision. |
Tanzania | December 2001 | Political economist on review mission to Tanzania, reviewing the Poverty Reduction Strategy process (PRSP), as a part of a global review of the World Bank / IMF initiated PRSPs under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC). The review included an analysis of the poverty reduction impact of the budgetary allocations. Special emphasis was on the participation of civil society organisations and the role of politically elected bodies. Report available at: |
Tanzania | September- October 2001 | Rural development economist on an evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) country programme in Tanzania, with special focus on the management of rural water supply programmes and associated sanitation and health issues. Main focus was on improving poverty targeting mechanisms of IFAD’s project and programme engagements and generate feasible solutions and knowledge for use by IFAD, Government of Tanzania and end-beneficiaries. Enhancing the complementarity and synergies between IFAD and other external development agencies formed a key part of these proposed solutions. |
Kosovo | August 2001 | Team leader and economist on a review mission to the Kosovo province reviewing Danish support to the pre-school sector, through Save the Children, Denmark. Review included assessment of the relevance and cost-effectiveness of support to the sector, in the context of overall budgetary allocations. Finally a proposal for an extension was drafted, which included suggestions for improved aid co-ordination. |
Eritrea | June 2001 | Team Leader and economist on a mission to Eritrea reviewing the DanChurchAid’s cost-effectiveness of mechanical mine clearance vis-à-vis other humanitarian support in the war-affected areas. |
Mozambique | March-April 2001 | Economist on a Danida appraisal ‘Education Sector Programme Support, Mozambique’. Responsible for i.a. appraising financial sustainability, the sufficiency of the budget envelope, financing modalities, the macroeconomic framework and donor co-ordination. Of particular importance was the impact of HIPC debt relief and methods of tracking progress and flow of funds in the context of the (then) I-PRSP. |
Nepal | February 2001 | Short-term consultant to the European Commission (EC), operationalising EC’s TA input to the multi-donor assisted Basic and Primary Education Programme. Special emphasis was on complementing the efforts of the government and other development agencies, in order to provide value add services to the programme. |
Nepal | 1999-2000 | Team leader on several European Commission missions, reviewing the second phase of the multi-donor assisted Basic and Primary Education Programme in Nepal supported by Danida, Finland, Norad, the World Bank, and the EC. Main responsibilities as team leader included; organisation and overall management of the team, sector programme policy formulation and leading negotiations with other development partners as well as with key officials and politicians from the Nepalese government. Also responsible for day-to-day aid coordination, and analysis of the impact of macro-economic and budgetary changes. The programme is Nepal’s single largest educational reform programme ever and also the largest EC supported activity in Nepal. |
Nepal | December 2000 | Member of EC team initiating negotiations on possible support to child labour project, in collaboration with GTZ. Performed sustainability analysis of the proposed welfare incentive mechanisms and educational activities, upon which it was decided not to proceed with the project. |
Bhutan | November 2000 | Economist in the EC Delegation at the 7th Round Table Meeting in Thimphu. Responsible for drafting the EC position paper presented at the conference and participated in negotiations on EC’s support to the agricultural sector. |
Bhutan | August 2000 | EC representative and economist on an appraisal and formulation mission. The objective was to formulate a project for improving rural high altitude communities’ income by increasing cultivation and collection of medicinal plants. Specific assignments included economic analysis of plant production, interviews with high altitude farmers in north-western Bhutan and negotiations with key officials in the Ministry of Agriculture. |
Bangladesh | June 2000 | Participated in a conference for economists on financial analysis of microfinance institutions in Dhaka. Field visits to several EC’s assisted micro finance institutions, assisting women in rural areas by improving access to financial services. |
Nepal | April 2000 | Represented the EC on a regional UNCTAD conference on LDCs’ market access. Presented the EC’s position on improving access for LDCs to EU’s internal market, especially in relation to agricultural and textile products. |
Bhutan | 1999-2000 | Responsible for drafting the EC’s Country Strategy. This included drafting a new strategy, with a strengthened and operational focus on poverty reduction as well as close consultations with the Royal Government of Bhutan, Member States representatives in Bhutan and India and other stakeholders. |
Nepal | November 1999 | Participated as the EC Delegation’s representative in a multi-donor Health Sector Identification Mission. Mainly responsible for assessing the overall macro-economic and political conditions for possible EC support. |
Bhutan | 1999-2000 | Represented the EC Delegation in numerous Programme/Project Steering Committee Meetings, within rural development. Furthermore, negotiations were held with the Royal Government of Bhutan concerning the progress of the programmes and future EC – Bhutan co-operation initiatives. |
Liberia | September 1998 | Development Economist in a Project Formulation Mission: Support to Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs in Liberia (UNDP/UNOPS). |
Kenya | April 1998 | Appraisal of Micro-Enterprise Development Programme, Kenya (Danida). Development economist on the appraisal mission with special focus on the micro-credit component of the programme. |
South Africa | October 1997- January 1998 | Development economist in the evaluation of Danish Transitional Assistance to the Republic of South Africa. The assignment included: Overall assessment of the appropriateness, relevance and cost effectiveness of Danish engagements in relation to the socio-economic needs; assessment of the strategies of other major donors (interviewing officials from e.g. EU, SIDA, Dutch Aid, DFID); and assessment of labour market policies. The evaluation included one month field work in South Africa where main beneficiaries and national authorities were consulted. |
Uganda | August 1997 | Consultant to Danida in relation to the formulation of a sector strategy for the agricultural sector in Uganda |
Ghana | October 1996 | Undertook field-studies in Ghana doing research for my master’s thesis. This included interviews with senior managers in: Ghana Telecom, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the State Enterprise Committee, the Divestiture Implementation Committee and relevant donors. The field studies focused on state enterprises’ performance, regulatory problems and the likely economic, political and social consequences of privatisation. |
Tanzania | January-July 1994 | Worked for Danida Rural Water Supply Programme, Iringa, Tanzania. Undertook a management survey of large-scale water supply schemes in the light of the rapidly changing macro-economic and political environment in Tanzania. |
Ghana | March 1993 | Field Studies for BA in Development Economics. Undertook both quantitative and qualitative interviews with cocoa farmers in Eastern Region aimed at analysing factors influencing cocoa production at micro-economic level (producer price, input subsidies, infrastructure, land tenure, institutional arrangements, alternative employment etc.). Interviewed researchers and government officials at the Cocoa Marketing Board. |
Specific experience (in non-EU member countries):
Professional experience:
Date | 2018-now |
Location | Copenhagen |
Company | Director and Partner, Development Associates |
Position | Owner |
Description | Consultant specialised in development economics, institutional development and governance. Main clients include Danida, European Commission, NGOs, UN agencies and the World Bank |
Date | 2010-2017 |
Location | Copenhagen / Manila; short term missions to Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa |
Company | PFC Consulting (a limited liability company) |
Position | Owner |
Description | Consultant specialised in development economics, institutional development and governance. Main clients include Danida, European Commission, NGOs, UN agencies and the World Bank |
Date | 2008–2010 |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark; short term missions to Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa |
Company | Development Associates A/S (a limited liability company) |
Position | Chief Development Economist, Partner and Co-owner |
Description | Consultant specialised in development economics, institutional development and governance. Main clients include Danida, European Commission, NGOs, UN agencies and the World Bank |
Date | February 2001 – 2007 |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark; short term missions to Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa |
Company | Development Associates A/S |
Position | Development Economist |
Description | Consultant specialised in development economics, institutional development and governance. Main clients include Danida, European Commission, NGOs, UN agencies and the World Bank |
Date | January 1999 – 2001 |
Location | New Delhi, India, with extensive travel to Nepal and Bhutan |
Company | European Commission’s Delegation to India, Nepal and Bhutan |
Position | Development Advisor |
Description | Posted in India for the European Commission with responsibilities covering management of large scale bilateral sector programmes in Bhutan and Nepal, notably within rural development, environment and primary education. |
Date | July 1997 January 1999 |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark with short-term mission to developing countries |
Company | Carl Bro A/S |
Position | Development Economist / Consultant |
Description | Consultant specialised in development economics, institutional development and project management. Main clients included Danida, European Commission, NGOs, UN agencies and the World Bank. |
Date | March –July 1997 |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark |
Company | Cowi |
Position | Researcher / Analyst |
Description | Employed on a project-basis at the consultancy firm COWI, participating in an evaluation of EC’s aid to non-member states in the Mediterranean region. |
Date | August 1994 – March 1997 |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark |
Company | Cowi Consult |
Position | Research Assistant |
Description | Worked part-time at the Danish consultancy firm COWI, Department of Human Resources Development (in the Division for Developing Countries). Undertook data-collection and analysis in relation to major reports (e.g. Poverty Evaluation of Danish Assistance to Developing Countries, 1996). |
Date | January – July 1994 |
Location | Iringa Tanzania |
Company | Danida |
Position | Intern |
Description | Undertook a management survey of large-scale water supply schemes in the light of the rapidly changing macro-economic and political environment in Tanzania. |