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Carola Baran

Throughout her professional career, Carola Baran has specialised in private sector development. She has worked in the capacity as external consultant on DANIDA and UN (IFAD) projects and programmes being involved in programme and project reviews, appraisals, evaluations, project proposal screenings, feasibility studies including budgeting, market studies, strategy development, and programme formulations. Geographically Carola has experience from Southern & Eastern Africa, Europe, as well as the Caucasus region. Within private sector programmes Carola has worked with SME and entrepreneurship development including access to markets and access to finance.

Besides her expertise with development programmes and projects Carola has other key competence area is in business development; market analysis/business intelligence; trade and investment promotion, as well as strategy planning and implementation. As for export and investment promotion Carola has experience in comparative analysis of economic conditions in various regions/countries, sector analyses and reviews, and export incentive programmes.

Amongst other assignments she has been a team leader of trade promotion business delegations to Denmark, United Arab Emirates, and Sultanate of Oman.

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+27 74 1111 903