Through education as well as through professional experience, Mr. Grosen has specialised as a development economist with special emphasis on sector planning and project analysis within the natural resources sectors and the environment, and private sector development
including SME development and rural and micro finance. Professional experience includes project and sector programme planning/design and monitoring in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, macro-economic studies and studies related to Structural Adjustment Programmes, and private sector and SME development. Mr. Grosen has participated in or led a number project, country programme, thematic and corporate evaluations and facilitated preparation and design of numerous projects and sector programmes. He has project management experience from several project director positions and from long-term assignments in Nepal, Tanzania and Costa Rica. Mr. Grosen has obtained general management experience through serving in the Danish civil service and as a director of Carl Bro Management, Development Associates and a non-executive director of Oxford Policy Management Ltd.