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Through education as well as through professional experience, Mr. Grosen has specialised as a development economist with special emphasis on sector planning and project analysis within the natural resources sectors and the environment, and private sector development

including SME development and rural and micro finance. Professional experience includes project and sector programme planning/design and monitoring in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, macro-economic studies and studies related to Structural Adjustment Programmes, and private sector and SME development. Mr. Grosen has participated in or led a number project, country programme, thematic and corporate evaluations and facilitated preparation and design of numerous projects and sector programmes. He has project management experience from several project director positions and from long-term assignments in Nepal, Tanzania and Costa Rica. Mr. Grosen has obtained general management experience through serving in the Danish civil service and as a director of Carl Bro Management, Development Associates and a non-executive director of Oxford Policy Management Ltd.


James Joughin

James Joughin has over 30 years’ experience covering all aspects of natural resources-based policies and projects (agribusiness, agriculture, environment, rural development, financial services, climate change) as well as social and institutional issues (poverty reduction, livelihoods, political economy, policy reform, evaluation). He has some nine years residential experience working for developing country governments and has also undertaken consultancy assignments in over 20 countries, many as Team Leader. He has worked for both public and private sector clients.

James started his career as a Fellow of the Overseas Development Institute, posted in St Vincent, West Indies. He then spent 5 years with the Natural Resources Institute, with numerous consultancy assignments. Between 1984 and 1988 he was Principal Agricultural Economist with the Ministry of Agriculture in Papua New Guinea. On returning to Europe in 1988, he was Divisional Director/Chief Economist at Cargill Technical Services. In 1993 he began working with Development AssociatesApS in Copenhagen and, in 1999, he became a partner there.

Between 2007 and 2010, he was employed by Danida as a Senior Economic Adviser in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries in Uganda. Since then he has been concentrating largely on East Africa. His current areas of interest are institutional and policy reform, political economy, private sector development and evaluation.

View James Joughin’s CV

Torben Lang

Mr. Torben Lang has for more than two decades be engaged with international development work and has gained wide experience in assisting national governments in policy formulation and strategic planning as well as in institutional development and capacity building.

Mr. Lang has, furthermore, extensive experience working with private sector development.

He has served as management consultant for business and industry associations as well as private enterprises; undertaken comprehensive value chain and sector analysis; and design and assessment of investment funds and challenge funds.

Through numerous assignments with a wide range of different government institutions, private enterprises and NGOs, he has built up considerable expertise in change management including:

• Institutional analysis and development;
• Formulation of policies, strategies and business plans;
• Organisational design and reengineering based upon the Functional Analysis approach and methodology
• Transformation and change management and related training and capacity building;
• Result Oriented Management (ROM) and Output Oriented Budgeting (OOB); and
• Management development, mentoring and training.

Furthermore, Mr. Lang has extensive experience in programme identification, planning,
management and evaluation, and in liaison with executing agencies. Mr. Lang has worked for
Danida, Sida, Norad, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank,
United Nations, European Union and various private clients. He has served a Chief Technical
Adviser/Team Leader on several large and complex development projects.

View Torben Lang’s CV

Warwick Thomson

Warwick has over 30 years of development industry experience, working with agriculture and agribusiness, watershed and forest management, private sector and trade development, and post-conflict economic recovery. He has consulted for NZ Aid, DFID, the World Bank, UNOPS, Danida, Finnida and Sida. He has 20 years of residential experience in The Philippines, Nepal, Eritrea and Uganda; as an advisor, programme manager, development partner representative, partner in policy dialogue, in governance roles, and as a consultant and practitioner. Warwick is now a New Zealand based development industry consultant and member of MFAT’s Design Services Panel. He sits on the Board of two agribusiness corporates in Uganda. Warwick has well developed skills in:

The leadership and management of development assistance programmes and projects – both small and large/complex – in all phases of the project cycle, from identification, and formulation to implementation, reviews and evaluations. For the past 20 years these have predominantly been agricultural and agribusiness development activities.

  • Development intervention design and management that secures tangible, sustainable and measurable social and economic development, gender, rights and environmental outcomes.
  • The use of contemporary approaches and tools for project and programme identification, design, management and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Organisational development, leadership and governance.
  • Private sector based approaches for trade, economic growth and employment – the enabling environment and building competitiveness to improve business and investment performance
  • Trade and export promotion and business partnerships.
  • Financial services development and management.
  • Public policy and budget management.
  • Community enterprises, producer organisations and SME development: value chain approaches.
  • Economic development in fragile states and post conflict responses
  • Green-growth, equity and environmental issues in development.

View Warwick Thomson’s CV

Anne Mette Kjær

Mette Kjaer has 20 years of experience as a researcher, fieldworker and analyst in the areas of governance and political economy analysis. She has:

  • Strong analytical skills: from researching governance, politics, and political economy in East Africa, and in particular in Uganda; co-ordinating research projects across institutions and countries in North and South; and delivering and communicating research findings. She has specific skills in conducting data collection, fieldwork, stakeholder analysis, and political economy analysis.
  • Experience in applying for and being successfully awarded research grants, most recently: 2016: ‘Researching political settlements and revenue bargains in Uganda and Tanzania’ 7,2 million DKK for a collaborative research programme
  • In depth knowledge of development aid achieved from research and from Membership of Danida’s Board. The Board processed all aid programmes over DKK 30m.
  • Extensive teaching experience in African politics at graduate and undergraduate level. Supervision of Masters projects (approx 80) and PhDs (5) within the field of development.
  • Management experience from holding the post of Director of Studies, August 2009 to January 2013, in which position she took several initiatives to further improve the quality of education in political science.
  • Experience in organizing workshops and conferences involving researchers and practitioners from North and South. Extensive networks in Uganda.
  • Experienced speaker at conferences, seminars, and events.

View Anne Mette Kjær’s CV

Warwick Thomson

Extensive experience from formulation, planning, implementation and evaluation of projects and programme assistance obtained during more than 25 years of long-term postings to developing countries in technical and management positions for Danida, NGOs and FAO; as well as the last 15 years as a consultant undertaking short-term assignments. Although various assignments have been technically oriented towards agriculture and rural development (such as; extension & research; rural financial services; marketing & processing; rural roads; land security and titling; buffer zone development; farmer organisations; and agricultural education), long-term postings to countries in the process of economic and political transition have had a focus on policy level issues including the strengthening of public sector institutions; public/private sector relations; and donor coordination and harmonization in the context of country development and poverty reduction strategies, lately with a focus on programs in support of production and employment. Responsibilities as country representative and chief sector adviser for Danish bilateral development assistance have added experience on development assistance modalities & management, including negotiations at government level, within a context of increased attention to programme assistance, harmonization and alignment. This has included long term involvement in the formulation and initial implementation of the joint-donor financed PROAGRI programme in Mozambique – as well as several short-term assignments during recent years to identify, formulate, appraise, review and evaluate donor financed project and (sector) programme support; most recently including interventions based on approaches such as value chains, sustainable livelihoods, Making markets work for the Poor (M4P), and climate resilience.

View Jørgen Strange-Hansen’s CV